Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Go Native in your backyard in SW FL

I love it when I have a chance to walk in a natural setting.  So why not go native right in your own backyard.  My plan is to stop moving lawn and stop fertalizing with harmful chemicals. What great resources for going native Sue Scott offers in this video.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

More Compost, Less Work - Fine Gardening Article

This looks interesting and does not seem to take up to much space. If it is all done corrently it will not smell. Just remember not to add meat items to the compost. More Compost, Less Work - Fine Gardening Article

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Urban Farm Magazine

I just bought a subscription to Urban Farm Magazine.  Looking forward to their articles on small-space gardening and sustainable living in cities and suburbs. In Cape Coral FL on Saturday mornings the farmers market is a well attended market with many local vendors and plenty of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables.  The first to go seems to be bib lettuce and beets.
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