My night blooming Angel's Trumpet tree is in full bloom. This is the second time it has bloomed this year. The first time I had maybe one tenth of that it is doing this time. The difference is "road apples". The tree is a show stopper.
We live in Cape Coral FL where the temperate zone in 10. The tree grows easily from green cuttings and blooms about 4 or 5 times a year. It is also called Tree Datura and Brugmansia arborea. All parts of the tree are poisonous if ingested. Leaves have a velvet/fuzzy texture. The blooms start out white and last only about 3 days. This particular species the blooms change to an orange blush as it matures. The blooms are very fragrant especially noticable in night breezes.
Brugmansia arborea flower with seed pod. Note the long green calyx typical of B. arborea. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |