Saturday, November 17, 2012

Roselle Cranberry Sauce

English: Fruits of the Oval Kumquat, Fortunell...
English: Fruits of the Oval Kumquat, Fortunella japonica, syn: Citrus japonica. Heidi Vega Aimonetti (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Roselle, sorrell, Florida cranberry (pictured below) can be cooked up into jellies, jams, fruit topping and also served in place of Cranberrys at the Thanksgiving dinner table.  For the carnberry sauce you will need to pick about 50 roselles.   Wash lightly, then peel back the cayleps from the seed pod.  Place cayleps in a sauce pan add about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of water.  Add sugar to taste.  I use about 1 cup of sugar.  One can add orange peel or kumquat for a more citrus taste. 

Another helpful hint is to add 5 seed pods to the sauce pan.  The seed pods have a lot of natural pectin to help thicken the sauce.  Simmer for about 3 minutes. Then refrigerate and serve. 
Roselle Hibiscus made into a Cranberry Sauce
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